Saturday, November 8, 2014

Packing Party Part 4 - 1 Week In

I've been working in my new space for a full week now. It has been an amazing experience.

Early on in the week I was listening to a podcast while I was working and heard a quote that really spoke to me. This is renaissance artist Michelangelo's response when he was asked how he was able to carve his statue of David.

"It is easy, you just chip away the stone that doesn't look like David."

This is such an accurate description of my past week. Over the past few years I have been struggling to de-clutter and purge my life. This packing party has been a huge step forward and has given my life more meaning and new perspective. It has been amazing to be able to focus and thrive in this new environment.

Yes, I know, I still own all the junk behind the curtain. But I'm not focusing on that for the moment. when the time comes I will tackle that monster.

For now, It's time to check in with another short video.

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